Boo Halloween Mini Yard-Grams *Limited Delivery Area


You’ve been BOOED! Our mini Boo Yard-Grams are a super fun way to get in the spirit of the holiday! Our mini displays are half price on all days EXCEPT Halloween when only full price greetings are available. Discounted BOO Yard-Grams are only available for delivery in the following cities: Bothell, Woodinville, Kenmore, Kirkland & Mill Creek. Regular price displays are available in all other delivery areas.

This is for a 24 hour rental.  Signs are picked up the following day.  Additional days can be added at $10 per day.


Please select your preferred BOO style

Delivery Time

Approximate time you prefer delivery (we cannot guarantee time)

How would you like to sign the card we leave behind?

Please tell us who it is “to” and “from”. You can also leave a short message.

Other Special Requests

Any other special requests?


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