Cheers & Beers Many More Yrs


Celebrate a milestone birthday or retirement with Cheers & Beers to Many More Years!  Includes a personalized message in our black, gold and silver letters, up to 8 beer mugs and balloons & stars.  Also a great way to announce “the party is here!”.

This is for a 24 hour rental. Signs are picked up the following day.  Additional days can be added for $25 per day.

What’s the Occasion? *

Customized Message *

Customized Message (ex: Cheers & Beers for 40 Years!)

Delivery Time *

Approximate time you prefer delivery (we cannot guarantee time)

Other Special Requests

Any other special requests?

How would you like to sign the card we leave behind?

Please tell us who it is “to” and “from”. You can also leave a short message.


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